
Publish Date: March 12, 2025

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025: IIT Delhi Features Among Top 30 World Institutions in Engineering & Technology Category

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●    IIT Delhi emerges as No. 1 Indian institute in Engineering & Technology  
●    IIT Delhi improves its global ranking from 45 to 26 in Engineering and Technology
●    IIT Delhi ranks among top 100 world institutions in 12 specific subjects 

New Delhi: IIT Delhi is among the top 30 institutions in the world in the broader subject area of Engineering and Technology with a rank of 26, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025, announced on March 12, 2025. IIT Delhi has improved its last year’s rank of 45th to 26th.

In India, IIT Delhi has emerged as the top institute in the Engineering and Technology category.

In the Natural Sciences category, the Institute has ranked 146th, and in the Social Sciences and Management category, it has secured 75th rank.

In the following 12 specific subjects under the broader subject area of Engineering and Technology, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences & Management, IIT Delhi has been featured among the top 100 institutions in the world: Computer Science & Information Systems (64), Data Science and AI (51-100), Chemical (93), Civil Engineering (51-100), Electrical Engineering (47), Mechanical (61), Mineral & Mining Engineering (51-100), Environmental Sciences (94), Materials Science (98), Mathematics (95), Business & Management Studies (92), and Statistics & Operational research (51-100).

Speaking about the IIT Delhi’s ranking in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025, Prof. Vivek Buwa, Head of the Ranking Cell and Dean of Planning, said, “The QS World University Subject Ranking 2025 for Engineering & Technology is based on five parameters: (1) Academic reputation (40%), (2) Employer reputation (30%), (3) Citations (10%), (4) H-index (10%) and (5) International Research Network (10%). This year, IIT Delhi has improved its score in each of these five parameters. Notably, there is a significant increase in the score in the employer reputation and international research network parameters.”

He added, “For the last several years, IIT Delhi has been working on strengthening its international collaborations. For example, in last seven years (2018-2024), which also correspond to the period since IIT Delhi was selected as the “Institute of Eminence (IoE)”, IIT Delhi has undertaken 410 international collaborative research projects with leading universities/institutes across the globe that have helped the institute to strengthen its international research network”. 

“This includes 139 international collaborative projects supported by the joint seed funding (MFIRP) program launched by IIT Delhi to intensify international research collaborations. Further, IIT Delhi has Joint degree programs with the University of Queensland (UQ) Australia and with the National Chiao Tung University Taiwan.  These international collaborations have led to a significant increase in joint publications with international universities. For example, the number of publications with international collaborators of 509 in 2018 has increased to 1214 in 2024,” said Prof. Buwa. 
