This is a flowchart that broadly summarizes the sequence of actions that you will have to perform during your initial days. You will be in touch with the Head of academic unit and Establishment-1 which will assist you with the Joining Formalities.

On Arrival
Check-in Guesthouse:
The institute has two Faculty Guest houses, Gulmohar Faculty Guest House and Amaltas Guest House. New Faculty members are accommodated in Gulmohar.
After you arrive at the institute, you will check in to the Gulmohar Faculty Guest House that is situated near Student Activity Center SAC. You will stay here for a short duration until you are allotted a transit or a regular accommodation. You could also request the guest house staff for a guest login ID (aka UID, Kerberos ID) and password for WIFI access. (The permanent one is created after joining formalities are completed.)
Please visit Housing section to view more about accommodation to faculty. View the House Allotment Rules ->Internal website-> Administrative-> Estate-> HA rules
Joining Report:
One of the first things you should do after settling in is meet the Head of your academic unit and handover the Joining Report to them. If you did not receive temporary WIFI access, please ask the Head for a temporary login ID (aka UID, Kerberos ID) and password for internet access for 7 days, as the permanent one may take some time to be created.
Here you will also receive your welcome kit. The welcome kit will have some items that will come handy to you when you need and will be a keepsake reminding you of your new life at IITD!
You will also receive the forms required for your medical tests. Please fill out the medical history before heading to the hospital. The Head may request a staff member to guide you to the hospital.
Medical Test:
Please keep your medical forms ready when you visit the hospital. You will get a comprehensive medical examination at the IITD Hospital. It is quite through and intrusive. Please go prepared.
Please know that many tests require an empty stomach. Please do not eat after 8 or 9pm the previous evening. And try to reach the hospital around 8 or 830am, so that tests can be complete early, and you can have your breakfast. Sometimes queues can be long, particularly if a bug is going around. After your samples have been collected, grab some food. Guest house is not very far. There are also many food joints near the library. If you are a coffee lover, CCD and other coffee joints are also close by. You would be asked to come back to the hospital for a post-meal blood glucose test. You may also need to visit a neighborhood hospital/lab for a few tests that are not available on campus. It all may take a bit of time; a little patience will go a long way. Think of this as practice – you will likely need the hospital and tests again. Your reports will be back in a day or two. Collect the reports and get them signed by the CMO. You will need to submit it back to E1 (short for Establishment-1, the human resource department for faculty).
Joining Forms
Once you are through with your medical tests, you will need to complete the rest of your joining formalities. You would already have met the Head of your academic unit for the joining report. After the medical reports are ready, it may be time to head back to the Head and discuss the small matter of your office and lab spaces. You will need a quiet place to fill many joining forms that E1 will hand you. Your office (even if it is a temporary one) would afford some solace and desk space.
You will have to fill the detailed joining forms (we are gradually moving these forms online). For any queries, talk to the person handling your joining in E1. You will need to have several passport-size photographs of yourself and your dependents. There is a photo studio on campus (behind Masala Mix and near Chhayos). You will also have to keep the original degree certificates and marksheets on hand for physical verification at E1.
It is important to know that many forms at IIT Delhi ask for the Employee ID. Your Employee ID will be generated after your Joining has been completed and officially ‘notified’ (to the rest of the institute.) At this time, you will also be issued your login ID (and password) for institute-wide system services. You will need these to access many institute services including ERP, where you will be able to request some additional services (some shown below).
Institute Id Card:
Application for institute ID card can be made online through the eadmin portal. You will need a digital photograph and a scanned copy of your signature, in addition to your employee ID.
Library Card
Institute ID serves as the library card as well. But you need to apply for Library membership. You can visit the library and apply for membership. The library receptionist can guide to the exact counter in the library.
Vehicle Sticker
If you have a vehicle, you will need a resident vehicle sticker to park your car on campus overnight, and to access non-visitor parking lots. Application can be made online through the eadmin portal. You will need scanned copies of your vehicle registration certificate and driver’s license.
Salary and related info
Any bank account can be used as your salary account. However, it will be more convenient if you open an account with the SBI Branch on campus. Once you have the account open, you need to provide the details of your bank account to the salary section so that your salary may be deposited directly into your account.
Concourse to the Main building, welcomed by two tall Ashok trees on both sides

Apply for ID: eadmin.iitd.ac.in
011 2659 1451
If something here needs a makeover, or you want to add something, please contact facindcell@iitd.ac.in,.. Last updated: July 2021