Sh. Gopal Prasad Gupta
Accounts & Audit Officer
- Supervisor of Salary Unit

Accounts & Audit Assistant
- Timely processing of Institutes monthly payroll and making necessary adjustments in Teaching staff salaries as per the notifications issued by the Estt.
- Payment of Academic Fellowship
- Payment of SSB Awards
- Rent payment in case of “Off campus” accommodation for faculty
- Necessary adjustments for arrears on account of Pay revision
- Calculation & deduction of Income tax from Salary of faculty
- Payment of DDO/Dean/Warden honorarium
- Institute chair payment

Sh. Deepak Kumar
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7112
- Timely processing of Institutes monthly payroll and making necessary adjustments in Non-Teaching staff salaries as per the notifications issued by the Estt.
- Calculating and releasing of pay revision arrears of Non-Teaching staff on account of Non Functional Upgradation, MACPS, Pay Commission etc.
- Calculation & deduction of Income tax from Salary of non-faculty
- Payment to outsourcing agency for outsourcing of staff in IIT Delhi.
- Payment of NGIS and monthly GSLI contributions to LIC.
- Payment of FIIT-IRD Honorarium.
- Payment to NGIS and GSLI maturity claims in respect of retired/ resigned/ terminated/ deceased employees of the Institute.

Utkarsh Bansal
Jr. Accounts & Audit Officer
- Supervisor of Internal Payment Unit
- FAQ (InternalPaymentCell)

Rishub Mittal
Accounts and Audit Assistant
- Temporary Advance
- Permanent Imprest (Administration, Departments, Centers, Work section)
- Reimbursement
- Telephone Reimbursment
- Children Education Allowance

Rahul Kumar Mishra
Accounts & Audit Assistant
- TA+DA Staff And Faculty
- PDA- Travel, Reimbursement, Vendor
- Moving Allowance
- HBA and Conveyance Advance
- Leave Encashment on LTC
- Training Bills for employees
- LTC- Claim, Advance, and Settlement And LTC Leave Encashment

Sh. Gagandeep Chauhan
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7280
- Honorarium and TA claim of PH.D. Examiner (Indian & Foreigner)
- Honorarium and TA claim of M. Tech Examiner, JRF to SRF Examiner Etc.
- Vendor payments from PDA.
- TA claim of Faculty Candidates
- Guest Faculty Remuneration
- Part Time Doctors / Coaches Remuneration
- Selection committee Experts, Lecturers TA, and honorarium
- Processing STIC bills to vendor and Reimbursement
- Miscellaneous (INSA fund bills, FE examiner monthly expense booking)

Memo Gupta
Jr. Accounts & Audit Officer
+91-11-2659 7298
- Supervisor of External Payment Unit
- FAQ (ExternalPaymentCell)
- Checklist (ExternalPaymentCell)

Sh. Divakar Saini
Junior Assistant (Accounts)
+91-11-2659 7298
- Payment to Vendor for Bills of Consumable & Non Consumables (Department)
- Advance Payment to Vendor and Settlement
- Legal Cell Services Bills
- Security Bills of the Institute (Including Sonipat Campus)
- Bills of Consumable/Non Consumable of Student Activity Centre
- Telephone Bill of the Institute
- R&I Bill Payment of the Institute
- Repair & Maintenance Bill (Department/ Centres/ Central Store & Student’s PMRF)
- Part-Time Coaches Remuneration

Sonu Mittal
Jr. Assistant (Outsource)
- Payment to Vendor for Bills of Consumable & Non Consumables (Centres/ Central Store/ Faculty Seed Grant & Student’s PMRF)
- Vendor Payment of Deans Offices i.e., Dean (International), Dean (Faculty), Office of Dean Academic, Dean (Student Affairs), etc.
- Transport Unit Services Bills
- Annual Maintenance Contract Bill
- Library Bills Payment (Indian & Foreign Currency)
- Bills of Consumable/Non Consumable of BRCA/BSW & other Student activities
- Vendor Payment of Faculty Guest House & Main Guest House
- Bills of Consumable/Non Consumable of Sports Unit

Sh. H V K Chopra
- Supervisor of Scholarship Unit-PHD
- FAQ (Scholarship)

Ms. Preeti Parihar
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7159
- Processing of Scholarship of Institute Ph.D. research scholars.
- Verification & updating of fee receipts of Institute Ph.D. research scholars.
- Solving the quarries of Institute Ph. D. research scholars.
- Assisting in the preparation of RTI replies related to the Scholarship/Fellowship
- Processing of refund of security deposit/caution money of Ph.D. research scholars.
- Other misc. work related to Institute Ph. D. research scholars.

Saurabh Aggarwal
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7159
- Processing of UGC & CSIR fellowships and through respective online portal.
- Processing of contingency bills for CSIR & UGC fellows.
- Managing PMRF contingency fund balance for individual PMRF fellows.
- Processing and payment of sponsored PHD fellowship e.g. DBT, ICMR, TCS, NBHM etc.
- Preparation of SE & UC for sponsored PHD fellowship e.g. DBT, ICMR, TCS, NBHM etc.
- Request for funds allocation through planning unit for various budget heads.
- Taking up matters with Academics Section for release of Ph.D fellowships
- Follow up with IRD unit for fellowship of DST-Inspire fellows.
- Processing of fellowship for CSIR SRA / RA
- Handling various queries for PHD Students related to Fellowship, Academics Fees etc.

Vinay Kumar Berwa
Jr. Accounts & Audit Officer
+91-11-2659 1745
- Supervisor of Pension/GPF Unit
- FAQ (Pension / GPF)

Ms. Meenakshi Sharma
Asstt. Admn. Officer
+91-11-2659 1786
- Final Settlement of GPF/Advances taken by an employee from GPF.
- Payment of Pension/ Family Pension.
- Reconcilation of related ledgers

Sh. Puneet Nagpal
Asstt. Admn. Officer
+91-11-2659 7198
- Supervisor of Compilation Unit

Sh. Gopal Prasad Gupta
Accounts & Audit Officer
- Supervision of Salary Unit
- Monthly Salary to all officials- Faculty and Non Faculty
- National Pension System
- Implementation of TSA under PFMS
- Imprest, Advance, Telephone, HBA etc.

Ayush Srivastava
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7198
- Working as a Liasoning person between different bank regarding Balance Certificate/TDS certificates etc.
- Comiling data for Investment Committee Meeting
- Punching receipt of cheques/DD collected from IITD Students/Employees and Letter of Credit in Tally/Erp.
- Undertaking miscellaneous tasks related to compiling of Accounts.

Suraj Kumar
Jr. Office Asstt. (Outsource)
+91-11-2659 7198
- Making of bank Receipts, Transfer Voucher/Journal Voucher, Contra Entry and Sales Invoices in Tally/ERP
- Assist the work for disbursement of Imprest to the officials of the institute.
- Assist in Record keeping of the Bank Guarantee of different parties.
- Bank Reconciliation Statement of all bank account maintained by the Main Account except SBI and Canara Bank
- Assisting in preparing and compiling data for various TDS on GST returns, GST returns, Income Tax TDS Returns.

Sh. Mahinder Singh
Jr. Office Asstt. (Outsource)
+91-11-2659 7198
- Collaborating effectively with Internal Audit Team and CAG Team.
- Preparing Audit Para replies as issued by CAG Audit Team/Internal Audit Team.
- Preparing of the RTI’s replies to the issue concerned.
- Making Bank Reconciliation Statement of Canara Bank – Main Revenue Account.
- Undertaking miscellaneous tasks related to compiling accounts.

Aditya Sharma
Jr. Office Asstt. (Outsource)
+91-11-2659 7198
- Making of bank Receipts, Transfer Voucher/Journal Voucher, Contra Entry and Sales Invoices in Tally/ERP
- Work related to Investment Committee
- Preparing draft reply of Audit Para of CAG/ Internal Auditor
- Working as a Liasoning person between different bank regarding Balance Certificate/TDS certificates etc.
- Bank Reconciliation Statement of State Bank of India – Main Revenue Account.
- Compiling of the data received from the different departments of the IITD in pursuance of the Annual Accounts finalization.

Sh. Puneet Nagpal
Asstt. Admn. Officer
+91-11-2659 7198
- Supervisor of Cash/RTGS Unit

Naeem Akhtar
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7181
- Processing of all the payments of Institute through online as well as offline.
- Maintaining of payment records and Vouchers of the Institute.
- Liaison with the Banks.
- Physical Custody of Cash and Bank Guarantee pertains to the Institute.
- Any Cash Payment to officials
- Maintaining of Cash Book of the Institute

Vinay Kumar Berwa
Jr. Accounts & Audit Officer
+91-11-2659 1745
- Supervisor of Retirement Payment/Other Payment/Taxation Unit

Priyanka Kumari
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7298
- Investment declaration and its Verification/ Approval, Choice of tax regime and related work
- Cheking and verification of tax related data in r/o Form 16 and other tax report
- Honorarium payment to employees and out-source staff
- Terminal Benefits -Gratuity (Old/NPS), Leave Encashment (Old/NPS), Commutation except GPF Final payment
- TA claim of staff candidates, student candidates
- Payment to employee in r/o incentive on acquiring higher education, Sansthan and other awards
- Monthly payment of Library Interns
- Payment of Young Faculty Incentive Fellowship to faculties

Sh. Gopal Prasad Gupta
Accounts & Audit Officer
- Supervisor of PFMS/NPS Unit

Monika Bhatia
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 8723
- Operating and maintaining of various scheme under PFMS,
- Vendors/ Employee Registration in PFMS and ERP portal
- External Chair payment to faculty members
- PFMS PV uploading and balance update in Excel
- Processing of Monthly contributions, Withdrawals, Final payments on superannuation and other work under the National Pension System (NPS),
- Bank Reconciliation of RBI Account (0920 & 3254) & CNA/ SNA Bank Account

Sh. H V K Chopra
- Supervisor of Scholarship Unit-UG/PG
- FAQ (Scholarship)

Manpreet Kaur
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7159
- Payment related to RSTA, PMRF International travel related to research work of Ph.D. Students.
- Payment related to National Conference of Ph.D. Students.
- Contingency Payments of Institute Scholars, DBT, DST, PMRF, Inspire Etc.
- Advance Payments for International Travel.

Shashank Yadav
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7159
- Scholarship and other payments to students enrolled in masters and bachelors.
- Payment of contingency related to masters and bachelor’s students (if any).
- Verification & updating of fee receipts of masters and bachelor’s students.
- Payment related to sponsored students like ESR, ISA, Naval construction, etc.
- Verification & payment of outside agencies like MMVY, and Bihar credit card scheme to students.
- No dues clearance of all students of masters and bachelor’s students
- Payment & interest calculation under Vidyalakshmi scheme.
- Payment & clearance of No Dues of visiting students.
- Disbursement of scholarship and fees related issues of Ladakh Sponsored Students.
- Scholarship disbursement of Nepal students under international masters Scholarship Programs

Smt. Geeta Kapoor
Asstt. Admn. Officer
+91-11-2659 1744
- Works as PA to DR (Accounts)
- Co-ordination with other units and sections
- Arrange meeting and other misc. work related to Accounts Section

MTS (Outsource)
+91-11-2659 7171

Vinay Kumar Berwa
Jr. Accounts & Audit Officer
+91-11-2659 1745
- Supervisor of Medical Reimbursement Unit
- FAQ (Medical Reimbursemnet)

Rahul Kumar
Accounts & Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7182
- Medical reimbursement to Regular Employees ot the Institute
- Medical reimbursement to Retired employees ot the Institute
- Medical Subscription Monthly Reconciliation
- Medical Insurance Payment to Insurance Company

Shivam Verma
Accounts and Audit Assistant
+91-11-2659 7182
- Medical reimbursement to Regular Employees ot the Institute
- Medical reimbursement to Retired employees ot the Institute
- Medical Subscription Monthly Reconciliation
- Medical Insurance Payment to Insurance Company