Publish Date: 22nd April 2020
Important Announcement Regarding PG Admissions 2020
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Last date of submission of online applications (Extended) : May 10, 2020 (4 pm)
Range of dates for Test / Interview (Revised) : May 18, 2020 - June 17, 2020
- M. Tech./ M.Des. selections for Academic Year 2020-21 to be done completely on basis of GATE/ CEED score, with shortlisting criteria set at Institute minimum for all categories. Interviews (via videoconferencing) to be conducted only for candidates who are valid applicants but do not have a GATE/CEED score (IIT graduates with CGPA more than or equal to 8.00, part-time, sponsored and international candidates)
- MS(R) admissions will be made through interviews through videoconferencing. However, these may also be done based on GATE score only (along similar lines of M. Tech. selections), if any Academic Unit decides to do so.
- Conduct of interviews for admission to Ph.D. programme will also be done online through videoconferencing.
This procedure has been adopted by the Senate of IIT Delhi only for Academic Year 2020-21 in view of the COVID-19 outbreak, and the logistic challenges in inviting students on campus for interviews, or doing interviews via videoconferencing for a large number of candidates.
M.Sc. in Economics written entrance test to be held on a date to be decided later. Please visit the portal https:/ for regular updates.
For more details, please see the updated Information Brochure available at