What’s Where
What’s where on the campus
S.No |
Unit |
What you can do here |
1 |
Apply for I-Card |
Apply for IITD Vehicle Sticker |
View/Apply for Leave |
Apply forvarious reimbursements |
Fill Self Appraisal |
Enter Taxsaving schemes |
LodgeComplaint |
2 |
Computer Service Center |
ERP related |
Ifyou need to visit CSC, it’s in the main building in semi-basement. |
Software repository and licenses |
Owncloud |
Moodle |
Institute Email system |
3 |
IITD Hospital |
Medical Tests |
Locatedacross from the Main grounds |
Doctors Schedule |
Medical Emergency Protocol |
List offacilities at Hospital |
Emergency services |
Medical Insurance |
4 |
Industrial Research & Development IRD Online System(IRIS) |
New Faculty Grant |
Equipment Matching Grant for New Faculty |
Funding opportunities & Awards for young faculty |
Sponsored Research Projects and Consultancy Job |
Professional Development Fund (PDF) |
Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Project(FIRP) |
Multi-Institutional Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Project (MFIRP) |
Recruitment of Project staff |
5 |
Infrastructure and Estate |
Houseallotment |
Electrical |
Civil |
Telephone |
Water Supplyand Drainage |
Sanitation andWaste Management |
6 |
Store and Purchase |
E-Procurement |
Tendere-Publishing |
7 |
Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT) |
Technology Business Incubator (TBI) Program |
Faculty Innovation and Research-driven Entrepreneurship (FIRE) |
Intellectual PropertyRights (IPR) |
Other Resources |
TelephoneDirectory |
Institute Manuals |
Administrative Manual |
Act & Statutes |
Work Manual |
SAC | Sports related activities |
What’s where on this website

If something here needs a makeover, or you want to add something, please contact facindcell@iitd.ac.in,.. Last updated: July 2021